§ 44-20. Deputy Adjutant General (Army and Air) and Assistant AdjutantGeneral (Army); assistants and clerical forces of Adjutant General.
The Adjutant General shall have a Deputy Adjutant General (Air), a DeputyAdjutant General (Army) and an Assistant Adjutant General (Army) whose gradesshall not exceed that of brigadier general and he shall have other assistantsand such clerical forces as may be necessary who shall serve at the pleasureof the Adjutant General, subject to the provisions of general law, and shallperform such duties as he may assign them. The Adjutant General shall havesuch other clerks and employees as may be necessary for the administration ofhis office.
(1930, p. 952; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(13); R.P. 1948, § 44-20; 1964, c.227; 1979, c. 504; 1983, c. 74.)