§ 44-24.1. Adjutant General may provide group health and hospitalizationinsurance for employees of Department.
The Adjutant General of the Commonwealth of Virginia is hereby authorized andempowered to provide group health insurance and hospitalization benefits forthe employees of the Department of Military Affairs including civilianemployees of the state National Guard compensated under the provisions of 32U.S.C. § 709, as amended, and whose compensation is solely payable fromfederal funds, and to enter into agreements with insurance companies andprepaid hospital and medical care plan companies to that end provided allpremiums and costs of participation are contributed solely by such employees.
The Adjutant General is further authorized and empowered to deduct, orauthorize the deduction by the Comptroller of, the amount of the premium andcosts of participation which the employee has agreed to pay for suchinsurance benefits from the wages of such employee and the State Treasurershall remit the same directly to the insurance company or prepaid hospitaland medical care plan companies issuing the group insurance or plan on thereceipt of the written request of such employee.
Nothing in this section shall affect any provision of §§ 38.2-3318.1 through38.2-3339 or of Title 51.1.
(1966, c. 402.)