§ 44-27. Appointment and promotion of officers.
All officers of the National Guard shall be appointed and commissioned by theGovernor as follows:
(1) Appointments of second lieutenants shall, when practicable, be made fromthe enlisted personnel within the organization.
(2) Commanding officers shall forward through channels the name of the bestqualified enlisted person in their organization, accompanied by the necessarydocuments and his military records, with the commander's endorsement thereon,to the Adjutant General's office for consideration by the Governor.
(3) Original appointments in new organizations, all appointments in theheadquarters and headquarters detachment, and to all staffs higher thanbrigade, and the appointment of brigade and higher commanders shall be madeupon the recommendation of the Adjutant General.
(4) Within the organization, insofar as practicable, all appointments andpromotions shall be based on professional qualifications, efficiency, lengthof service in grade, length of commissioned service, and demonstrated commandand staff ability at the appropriate level, and will be effected only when anappropriate vacancy exists in the applicable table of organization andequipment or table of organization or distribution.
(1930, p. 953; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(17); 1958, c. 393; 1964, c. 227;1970, c. 662.)