§ 44-45. Summary courts-martial.
A. In the National Guard, not in federal service, the commanding officer ofeach garrison, fort, post, camp, air base, auxiliary air base, or other placewhere troops are on duty, or division, brigade, regiment, wing, group,squadron, battalion or detached company, or other detachment, may convene asummary court-martial, consisting of one commissioned officer. Proceedingsconducted under the provisions of this section shall be informal.
B. A summary court-martial shall have the authority to impose fines of notmore than twenty-five dollars, to impose forfeitures of pay and allowances,to restrict to limits, to impose extra duty, to require confinement for notmore than 2 1/2 days and to reduce enlisted persons one or more pay grades.
(1930, p. 956; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(35); 1958, c. 393; 1964, c. 227;1976, c. 399; 1977, c. 74.)