§ 44-5. Exemptions from militia duty.
In addition to those exempted by the laws of the United States, the followingpersons shall be exempt from military duty under a state call:
(1) The officers, judicial and executive, of the governments of the UnitedStates and the Commonwealth of Virginia.
(2) The members of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia andof the Congress of the United States.
(3) Persons in the active military or naval services of the United States.
(4) Customhouse clerks.
(5) Persons employed by the United States in the transmission of the mail.
(6) The judges and clerks of courts of record.
(7) The mayor and councilmen of incorporated cities and towns.
(8) Members of the governing bodies of counties.
(9) Sheriffs, United States district attorneys, attorneys for theCommonwealth and city attorneys.
(10) [Repealed.]
(11) Lighthouse keepers.
(12) Marine pilots.
(13) [Repealed.]
(14) All persons who because of religious belief shall claim exemption frommilitary service, if the conscientious holding of such belief by such personshall be established under such regulations as the President of the UnitedStates shall prescribe, shall be exempted from militia service in anycapacity that the President shall declare to be combatant.
(15) Such other persons as may be designated by the Governor in the bestinterests of the public and of the Commonwealth.
(1930, p. 949; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(5); 1958, c. 393; 1976, c. 399.)