§ 44-50. How process and sentence executed.
All processes and sentences of any of the military courts of thisCommonwealth shall be executed by any sheriff, deputy sheriff, sergeant, orpolice officer into whose hands the same may be placed for service orexecution, and such officer shall make return thereof to the officer issuingor imposing the same. Such service or execution of process or sentence shallbe made by such officer without tender or advancement of fee therefor, butall costs in such cases shall be paid from funds appropriated for militarypurposes. The actual necessary expenses of conveying a prisoner from onecounty or city in the Commonwealth to another, when the same is authorizedand directed by the Adjutant General of the Commonwealth, shall be paid fromthe military fund of the Commonwealth upon a warrant approved by the AdjutantGeneral.
(1930, p. 957; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(40); 1958, c. 393; 1976, c. 399.)