§ 44-54.12. Arms, equipment and facilities.
The Virginia State Defense Force, to the extent authorized by the Governorand funded by the General Assembly, shall be equipped as needed for trainingand for state active duty. The Adjutant General, by regulation or otherwise,may authorize the use of privately owned real and personal property if deemedin the best interest of the Commonwealth.
To the extent permitted by federal law and contracts with the federalgovernment or localities and to the extent that space is available, theAdjutant General in his discretion may authorize the use of armories andother facilities of the National Guard, other state facilities under hiscontrol, and all or portions of privately owned facilities under contract forthe storage and maintenance of arms, equipment and supplies of the VirginiaState Defense Force and for the assembly, drill, training and instruction ofits members.
Members of the Virginia State Defense Force shall not be armed with firearmsduring the performance of training duty or state active duty, except undercircumstances and in instances authorized by the Governor.
(1989, c. 414.)