§ 44-98. Interference with employment of members of Virginia National Guard,Virginia State Defense Force or naval militia.
A person, who either by himself, or with another, deprives a member of theVirginia National Guard, Virginia State Defense Force or naval militia of hisemployment, or prevents by himself or another, such member being employed, orobstructs or annoys such member or his employer at his trade, business oremployment, because such member of such organization is such member,dissuades any person from enlistment in the Virginia National Guard, VirginiaState Defense Force or naval militia by threat or injury to him in hisemployment, trade or business, in case he shall so enlist, shall be guilty ofa misdemeanor and on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum not exceeding$500, or imprisonment in jail not more than 30 days, or shall suffer bothfine and imprisonment.
(1930, p. 967; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(83); 1958, c. 393; 1984, c. 765.)