§ 44-133. Use of armories for meetings of veterans' associations and otherorganizations.
Whenever in the opinion of the Adjutant General it is practicable to do so,each armory of the National Guard shall contain a room suitable for meetingsof the associations composed of veterans of the War between the States, theSpanish-American War, and the World Wars, and shall be available for suchmeetings under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by thecommanding officer of the National Guard unit or units using such armory. TheAdjutant General may permit the use of any armory for assembly and otherpurposes of various patriotic and civic organizations such as ConfederateVeterans, Sons of Confederate and Federal Veterans, American Legion, Veteransof Foreign Wars, Daughters of the Confederacy, Chamber of Commerce, etc., asmay be deemed advisable, where the use does not interfere with the use of thearmory by the National Guard unit or units occupying same.
(1932, p. 760; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(116); R. P. 1948, § 44-133.)