§ 44-146.27. Supplementing federal funds; assistance of federal agencies;acceptance of gifts and services; appropriations by local governing bodies.
A. If the federal government allots funds for the payment of a portion of anydisaster programs, projects, equipment, supplies or materials or otherrelated costs, the remaining portion may be paid with a combination of stateand local funds available for this purpose and consistent with stateemergency management plans and program priorities.
B. Whenever the federal government or any agency or officer thereof offers tothe Commonwealth, or through the Commonwealth to any political subdivisionthereof, services, equipment, supplies, materials, or funds by way of gift,grant or loan for purposes of emergency services, the Commonwealth, actingthrough the Governor, or such political subdivision, acting with the consentof the Governor and through its local director or governing body, may acceptsuch offer and agree to the terms of the offer and the rules and regulations,if any, of the agency making the offer, including, but not limited to,requirements to hold and save the United States free from damages and toindemnify the federal government against any claims arising from theservices, equipment, supplies, materials, or funds provided. Upon suchacceptance, the Governor or local director or governing body of suchpolitical subdivision may authorize any officer of the Commonwealth or of thepolitical subdivision, as the case may be, to receive such services,equipment, supplies, materials, or funds on behalf of the Commonwealth orsuch political subdivision, in accordance with the terms of the agreement,and subject to the rules and regulations, if any, of the agency making theoffer.
C. Whenever any person, firm or corporation offers to the Commonwealth or toany political subdivision thereof services, equipment, supplies, materials,or funds by way of gift, grant or loan, for purposes of emergency management,the Commonwealth, acting through the Governor, or such political subdivision,acting through its local director or governing body, may accept such offerand upon such acceptance the Governor or local director or governing body ofsuch political subdivision may authorize any officer of the Commonwealth orof the political subdivision, as the case may be, to receive such services,equipment, supplies, materials, or funds on behalf of the Commonwealth orsuch political subdivision, and subject to the terms of the offer.
D. The governing bodies of the counties, cities and towns are herebyauthorized to appropriate funds for expenditure by any local or regionalorganization for emergency management established pursuant to this chapterand for local or regional disaster service activities.
(1973, c. 260; 1999, cc. 6, 7; 2000, c. 309.)