§ 44-146.30. Department of Emergency Management to monitor transportation ofhazardous radioactive materials.
The Coordinator of the Department of Emergency Management, pursuant toregulations promulgated by the Virginia Waste Management Board, will maintaina register of shippers of hazardous radioactive materials and monitor thetransportation within the Commonwealth of those hazardous radioactivematerials, as defined by the Virginia Waste Management Board, which mayconstitute a significant potential danger to the citizens of the Commonwealthin the event of accidental spillage or release. The regulations promulgatedby the Board shall not be in conflict with federal statutes, rules, orregulations. Other agencies and commissions of the Commonwealth shallcooperate with the Virginia Waste Management Board in the formulation ofregulations as herein provided.
(1979, c. 434; 1984, c. 745; 1988, c. 30; 2000, c. 309.)