§ 44-146.34. Purpose; definitions.
A. The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the development andimplementation of a program to protect the environment and the health,safety, and welfare of the people of the Commonwealth from the threats andpotential threats of accidents or incidents involving hazardous materials.This program shall be known as the Virginia Hazardous Materials EmergencyResponse Program.
B. As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:
"Coordinator" means the Coordinator of the Department of EmergencyManagement.
"Department" means the Department of Emergency Management.
"Hazardous materials" means substances or materials which may poseunreasonable risks to health, safety, property, or the environment when used,transported, stored or disposed of, which may include materials which aresolid, liquid or gas. Hazardous materials may include toxic substances,flammable and ignitable materials, explosives, corrosive materials, andradioactive materials and include (i) those substances or materials in a formor quantity which may pose an unreasonable risk to health, safety, orproperty when transported, and which the Secretary of Transportation of theUnited States has so designated by regulation or order; (ii) hazardoussubstances as defined or designated by law or regulation of the Commonwealthor law or regulation of the United States government; and (iii) hazardouswaste as defined or designated by law or regulation of the Commonwealth.
"Political subdivision" means any city or county in the Commonwealth, andfor the purposes of this chapter, any town with a population of more than5,000 which chooses to have an emergency management program separate fromthat of the county in which the town is located.
"Transport" or "transportation" means any movement of property by anymode and any packing, loading, unloading, or storage incidental thereto.
(1987, c. 492; 2000, c. 309.)