§ 44-146.37. Disbursements made from Virginia Disaster Response Fund.
A. Disbursements for costs and expenses, including, but not limited toequipment, material, hazardous materials emergency response operations andimmediate accident or incident site cleanup costs and expenses in preventingor alleviating damage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused by accidents orincident, involving hazardous materials, shall be made from the VirginiaDisaster Response Fund in accordance with the provisions of § 44-146.18:1.
B. The Coordinator shall promptly seek reimbursement from any party causingor contributing to an accident or incident involving hazardous materials forall sums disbursed from the Virginia Disaster Response Fund for theprotection, relief, and recovery from loss or damage caused by such party.
C. The Coordinator is also authorized to recover any sums expended by anyother state agency or political subdivision for preventing or alleviatingdamage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused by accidents or incidentsinvolving hazardous materials. To recover such sums the Coordinator shallprovide documentation that the costs were incurred whether or not they wereactually disbursed from the Virginia Disaster Response Fund.
(1987, c. 492.)