§ 44-147. Authorization of precautions.
(a) Whenever a state of war exists between the United States and any foreigncountry, and whenever, in the opinion of the Governor, the Commonwealth is ingrave peril, the Governor is authorized to establish air raid precautions;and pursuant thereto to order blackouts in such areas, under such conditions,at such times and for such periods as he deems advisable or upon the requestof any federal military or naval authority, and also to regulate and prohibitduring such blackouts the movement of vehicular traffic on public highwaysand streets and to make such regulations as he deems necessary to insure thesuccess of such blackouts and the protection of life and property during thesame.
(b) All political subdivisions of this Commonwealth are authorized anddirected to enforce the orders and regulations of the Governor issued or madepursuant to this chapter; and they are further authorized to order blackoutsin their own jurisdictions whenever they are requested by proper federalmilitary or naval authority and to make reasonable regulations to insure thesuccess of the same and the protection of life and property, provided thatsuch regulations do not conflict with any regulations of the Governor.
(1942, p. 368; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(132); 1952, c. 359.)