§ 44-157. Temporary substitute fire-fighting forces.
Whenever all or any part of the regular fire-fighting forces of any county,city or town in the Commonwealth are engaged in rendering aid and assistance,pursuant to this chapter, substitute fire fighters, not exceeding the numberof regular fire fighters engaged in rendering such aid and assistance, may beappointed in the same manner as provided by law for the appointment of suchregular fire fighters. Except in the case of a volunteer fire company, thecompensation of such substitute fire fighters shall be fixed at a sum notgreater than the lowest rate of pay for a regular fire fighter in such firedepartment, company or fire-fighting force. Each person appointed under thissection shall be vested with the same powers and charged with the same dutiesas if he were a regular member of such fire department, company orfire-fighting force. No appointment under this section shall continue formore than two days after the regular fire fighters for whom they aresubstituting have returned to duty. The compensation of any substitute firefighter appointed pursuant to this section and any allowable expense actuallyand necessarily incurred by him in the performance of his duties shall becharged against the county, city or town in and for which he was appointedand shall be audited and allowed in the same manner as other charges againstthe county, city or town are audited and allowed.
(1942, p. 370; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(142); 1977, c. 326.)