§ 44-207. Laws continued in effect.
The following laws are continued in effect subject to such limitations as toduration as are contained therein:
(1) Health and sanitation areas. - Chapter 216 of the Acts of 1942, approvedMarch 13, 1942, codified as §§ 2673(145)-2673(151) of Michie Code 1942,relating to special emergency health and sanitation areas.
(2) Motor vehicle tires. - Chapter 319 of the Acts of 1942, approved March30, 1942, codified as § 2673(182) of Michie Code 1942, relating toacquisition of motor vehicle tires.
(3) Powers of attorney and agency agreements. - Chapter 111 of the Acts of1944, approved March 2, 1944, codified as § 2673(184) of Michie Suppl. 1946,relating to powers of attorney or agency agreements executed by persons inmilitary service or absent from United States in connection with war work.