§ 45.1-161.5. Establishment of divisions; division heads.
The following divisions, through which the functions, powers, and duties ofthe Department may be discharged, are established in the Department: aDivision of Mines, a Division of Mined Land Reclamation, a Division ofGeology and Mineral Resources, a Division of Gas and Oil, a Division ofMineral Mining, and a Division of Energy. The Director may establish otherdivisions as he deems necessary. Except as provided in § 45.1-161.15 withrespect to the Chief of the Division of Mines, the Director shall appointpersons to direct the various functions and programs of the divisions, andmay delegate to the head of any division any of the powers and dutiesconferred or imposed by law on the Director.
(1984, c. 590, § 45.1-1.5; 1990, c. 92; 1994, c. 28; 2008, c. 369.)