§ 45.1-161.102. Training programs.
A. The Department may administer training programs for the purpose of (i)assisting with the provision of selected requirements of the federal minesafety law and (ii) preparing miners for examinations administered by theBoard of Coal Mining Examiners. The Director shall establish the curriculumand teaching materials for the training programs, which shall be consistentwith the requirements of the federal mine safety law where feasible.
B. The Department is authorized to charge persons attending the trainingprograms reasonable fees to cover the costs of administering such programs.The Director may exempt certain persons from any required fees for refreshertraining programs, based on the person's employment status or such othercriteria as the Director deems appropriate. The Director shall not berequired to allocate more of the Department's resources to training programsthan are appropriated or otherwise made available for such purpose, or arecollected from fees charged to attendees.
C. No miner, operator, or other person shall be required to participate inany training program established under this article. Nothing contained hereinshall prevent an operator or any other person from administering astate-approved training program.
(1994, c. 28; 1997, c. 390.)