§ 45.1-161.39. Surface foreman certification.
A. Applicants for a surface foreman certificate shall be at least 23 years ofage and have had at least five years of experience in a coal mine with atleast three years of such experience in a surface coal mine. A graduate of anapproved four-year college course in mining engineering shall be given creditfor three of the five years of practical experience required. An applicantwho possesses a degree in mining technology shall be given credit for two ofthe five years of required practical experience. Applicants shall demonstrateto the Board of Coal Mining Examiners a thorough knowledge of the theory andpractice of surface coal mining by making eighty-five percent or more on thewritten examination. In addition, each applicant shall pass the examinationin gas detection. The holder of a surface foreman certificate issued by theBoard shall be authorized to act as surface foreman at any surface coal mine.
B. Each candidate for certification as a surface foreman shall complete, at aminimum, a 24-hour course of instruction in advanced first aid taught by acertified advanced first aid instructor in accordance with subsection A of §45.1-161.101, and pass an examination relating thereto approved by the Boardof Coal Mining Examiners. No course or examination shall be required ofcandidates holding a current higher level of emergency medical certificationfrom the Virginia Department of Health.
C. All holders of a surface foreman certification issued prior to July 1,2010, except those holding a current higher level of emergency medicalcertification from the Virginia Department of Health, shall complete byDecember 31, 2011, at a minimum, a 24-hour course of instruction in advancedfirst aid taught by a certified advanced first aid instructor in accordancewith subsection A of § 45.1-161.101.
(Code 1950, §§ 45-23, 45-28; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-12; 1972, c.784; 1978, c. 729; 1980, c. 442; 1984, c. 237; 1994, c. 28; 2007, cc. 894,914; 2010, cc. 809, 857.)