§ 45.1-161.70. Qualification for crew membership; direction of crews.
A. To qualify for membership in mine rescue crews an applicant shall be anexperienced miner and shall pass a physical examination by a licensedphysician, physician assistant, or licensed nurse practitioner at leastannually. A record that such examination was taken shall be kept on file bythe operator who employs the crew members and a copy shall be furnished tothe Director.
B. All rescue or recovery work performed by these crews shall be under thejurisdiction of the Department. The Department shall consult with companyofficials, representatives of the Mine Safety and Health Administration andrepresentatives of the miners, and all should be in agreement as far aspossible on the proper procedure for rescue and recovery; however, the Chiefin his discretion may take full responsibility in directing such work.Procedures for use of apparatus or equipment shall be guided by the minerescue apparatus and auxiliary equipment manuals.
(1975, c. 432, § 45.1-33.3; 1984, c. 590; 1994, c. 28; 1999, c. 256; 2004, c.855; 2006, c. 396.)