§ 45.1-161.125. Hydraulic hoses.
All hydraulic hoses used on equipment purchased after January 1, 1986, shallbe clearly stamped or labeled by the hydraulic hose manufacturer to indicatethe manufacturer's rated pressure in pounds per square inch (psi). For hosespurchased after January 1, 1989, the rated pressure shall be permanentlyaffixed on the outer surface of the hose and repeated at least every twofeet. Hoses purchased and installed on automatic displacement hydraulicsystems shall have a four-to-one safety factor based on the ratio betweenminimum burst pressure and the setting of the hydraulic unloading system(such as a relief valve) or shall meet the minimum hose pressure requirementsset by the hydraulic equipment manufacturer per the applicable hose standardsfor each type of equipment. No hydraulic hose shall be used in an applicationwhere the hydraulic unloading system is set higher than the hose's ratedpressure.
(1985, c. 612, § 45.1-88.1; 1988, c. 301; 1994, c. 28.)