§ 45.1-161.153. Hoisting equipment.
A. All hoists used for handling men shall be equipped with overspeed,overwind, and automatic stop controls.
B. All suspended work decks and platforms (i) shall operate automatically,(ii) shall be equipped with guardrails capable of protecting men andmaterials from accidental overturning, and (iii) shall be equipped withsafety belts and such other protective devices as the Chief shall require byregulation.
C. Any platform or work deck used for transporting miners or materials shallbe equipped with leveling indicators and such conveyance shall be maintainedand operated in a reasonably level position at all times.
D. Slope, shaft, or surface incline hoists shall be equipped with brakescapable of stopping and holding the fully loaded unbalanced cage or trip atany point in the shaft or slope or on the incline.
E. An accurate and reliable indicator showing the position of the cage ortrip shall be placed so as to be in clear view of the hoisting engineer,unless the position of the car or trip is clearly visible to the hoistingengineer or other person operating the equipment at all times.
F. Any conveyance used to haul miners or materials within a shaft or slope(i) shall be designed to prevent materials from falling back into the shaftor slope and (ii) shall be equipped with a retaining edge of not less thansix inches to prevent objects from falling into the shaft or slope.
(Code 1950, § 45-68.4; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, §§ 45.1-68, 45.1-69; 1972,c. 784; 1978, c. 729; 1994, c. 28.)