§ 45.1-161.155. Hoisting cages.
A. Cages used for hoisting miners shall be of substantial construction andshall have (i) adequate steel bonnets, with enclosed sides; (ii) gates,safety chains, or bars across the ends of the cage when men are being hoistedor lowered; and (iii) sufficient handholds or chains for all men on the cageto maintain their balance. A locking device to prevent tilting of the cageshall be used on all self-dumping cages when miners are transported thereon.
B. The floor of the cage shall be constructed so that it will be adequate tocarry the load and so that it will be impossible for a miner's foot or bodyto enter any opening in the bottom of the cage.
C. Cages used for hoisting miners shall be equipped with safety catches thatact quickly and effectively in case of an emergency. The provisions of thissubsection shall not apply to capsules or buckets used for emergency escapeor used during slope or shaft sinking.
(Code 1950, § 45-68.4; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-69; 1978, c. 729;1994, c. 28; 1997, c. 293.)