§ 45.1-161.156. Slope and shaft conditions.
A. All shafts shall be equipped with safety gates at the top and at eachlanding. Safety gates shall be kept closed except when the cage is beingloaded or unloaded.
B. Positive-acting stopblocks or derails shall be installed near the top andat intermediate landings of slopes and surface inclines and at the approachesto all shaft landings.
C. Positive-acting stopblocks or derails shall be installed on the haulagetrack in the slope near the top of the slope. The stopblocks or derails shallbe in a position to hold or stop any load, including heavy mining equipment,to be lowered into the mine until such time as the equipment is to be loweredinto the mine by the hoist.
D. At the bottom of each hoisting shaft and at intermediate landings, arunaround shall be provided for safe passage from one side of the shaft tothe other. This passageway shall be not less than five feet in height andthree feet in width.
E. Ice shall not be permitted to accumulate excessively in any shaft whereminers are hoisted or lowered.
(Code 1950, § 45-68.4; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, §§ 45.1-69, 45.1-89.1;1978, c. 729; 1983, c. 111; 1994, c. 28; 1996, c. 774; 2005, c. 3.)