§ 45.1-161.160. Operations of hoisting equipment.
A. The speed of the cage, car, or trip in shafts, slopes, or on surfaceinclines shall not exceed 1,000 feet per minute when miners are being hoistedor lowered.
B. When moving the platform or work deck, all miners traveling thereon shallhave safety belts secured.
C. No person shall ride on a loaded cage.
D. The number of persons riding in any cage or car at one time shall notexceed the maximum prescribed by the manufacturer. The Chief may prescribe alesser number when necessary to ensure the safety of miners being transported.
E. Conveyances being lowered into a shaft in which miners are working shallbe stopped at least twenty feet above the area where such miners are working.
F. Whenever miners are working at the bottom of a shaft, there shall be anadjustable ladder or chain ladder attached to the work deck to provide anadditional means of escape. Such ladder shall be at least twenty feet inlength.
G. All chokers and slings used to transport materials within a shaft or slopeshall meet specifications established by the United States of AmericaStandards Institute.
(Code 1950, § 45-68.4; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, §§ 45.1-68, 45.1-69; 1972,c. 784; 1978, c. 729; 1994, c. 28; 1996, c. 774.)