§ 45.1-161.191. Communication systems.
A. Telephone service or equivalent two-way communication facilities shall beprovided between the top and each landing of main shafts and slopes. Atelephone or equivalent two-way communication facility shall be located onthe surface within 500 feet of all main portals, and shall be installedeither in a building or in a box-like structure designed to protect thefacilities from damage by inclement weather. At least one of thesecommunication facilities shall be at a location where an authorized personwho is always on duty when miners are underground can see or hear thefacility and respond immediately in the event of an emergency.
B. Telephone lines, other than cables, shall be carried on insulators,installed on the opposite side from power or trolley wires, and where theycross power or trolley wires, they shall be insulated adequately.
C. Lightning arrestors shall be provided at the points where telephonecircuits enter the mine and at each telephone on the surface. Where thetelephone circuit enters a building or structure, the lightning arrestor isonly required where the circuit enters such building or structure.
D. If a communication system other than telephones is used and its operationdepends entirely upon power from the mine electric system, means shall beprovided to permit continued communication in the event the mine electricpower fails or is cut off.
E. Communication systems equipped with audible and visual signals that becomeoperative when telephone communication is being established between thephones of the communication station on the surface and the undergroundworking sections shall be provided.
F. The Chief shall promulgate regulations governing any disruption ofcommunication in mines.
(Code 1950, § 45-82.4; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-81; 1978, c. 118;1979, c. 315; 1994, c. 28; 1996, c. 774; 1999, c. 256.)