§ 45.1-161.195. Inspection of electric equipment and wiring; checking andtesting methane monitors.
A. Electric equipment and wiring shall be inspected by a certified person atleast weekly if located underground, and at least monthly if located on thesurface, and more often if necessary to assure safe operating conditions, andany hazardous condition found shall be promptly corrected or the equipment orwiring shall be removed from service. Records of such examination shall bemaintained at the mine for a period of one year.
B. A functional check of methane monitors on electrical face equipment shallbe conducted to determine that such monitors are de-energizing the electricalface equipment properly. Such check shall be made on each production shiftand shall be conducted by the equipment operator in the presence of a mineforeman, and shall be recorded in the on-shift report of the mine foreman.
C. Weekly calibration tests on methane monitors on electrical face equipmentto determine the accuracy and operation of such monitors shall be conductedwith a known mixture of methane at the flow rate recommended by the methanemonitor manufacturer. A record of the results shall be maintained.
D. Required methane monitors shall be maintained in permissible and properoperating condition.
(1966, c. 594, § 45.1-85; 1978, c. 118; 1993, c. 442; 1994, c. 28; 1996, c.774; 1999, c. 256; 2005, c. 3.)