§ 45.1-161.199. Certified emergency medical services personnel.
At least one person who is a working coal miner and who has been certified bythe State Board of Health as possessing the qualifications of an emergencymedical technician or an emergency medical services first responder shall belocated so as to be available for duty at each mine when miners are workingat that mine. Such emergency medical services personnel shall be utilized insufficient numbers to assure that workers in any mine location can be reachedby them within such reasonable time as is determined by the Chief. Emergencymedical services personnel shall have available to them at all times thenecessary equipment, as specified by the Chief, for prompt response toemergencies. In the event that at any time there is at any mine aninsufficient number of qualified miners volunteering to serve as emergencymedical services personnel as provided for in this section, the operator mayelect to utilize the services of first aid trainees, in such numbers as theChief determines to be appropriate. Telephone or equivalent facilities shallbe installed to provide two-way voice communication between the emergencymedical services personnel and medical personnel outside the mine.
(1977, c. 679, § 45.1-101.1; 1978, c. 94; 1994, c. 28.)