§ 45.1-161.205. Storage and use of flammable fluids and materials.
A. Underground storage places for oil, grease and flammable hydraulic fluidshall be of fireproof construction.
B. Oil, grease and flammable hydraulic fluid kept underground for current useshall be in closed metal containers.
C. Provisions shall be made to prevent accumulation of spilled oil or greaseat the storage places or at the locations where such materials are used.
D. Oily rags, oily waste, and wastepaper shall be kept in closed metalcontainers until removed for disposal.
E. No gasoline, benzene, kerosene or other flammable oils shall be usedunderground in powering machinery.
F. All oxygen and acetylene bottles used underground shall be secured whilein use. When stored underground, oxygen and acetylene bottles shall be placedin a safe location, protected from physical damage, with caps in place whereprovided for on the tank, and secured upright or elevated, whichever mineheights allow.
(Code 1950, §§ 45-14.1, 45-43; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, §§ 45.1-89,45.1-90, 45.1-100; 1974, c. 323; 1978, cc. 118, 729; 1981, c. 131; 1984, c.590, § 45.1-89, c. 639; 1985, c. 500; 1994, c. 28; 1996, c. 774.)