§ 45.1-161.217. Fan stoppage plan.
A fan stoppage plan shall be prepared for each mine, which plan shall besubject to approval by the Chief or his designated representative. Failure tocomply with requirements set forth in the approved plan will be a violationof this section. Fan stoppage plans shall require the following:
1. When the main fan fails or stops, the power shall be cut off from the mineand miners shall be withdrawn from the face areas.
2. Miners shall be withdrawn from the underground areas if the ventilation isnot restored within a reasonable time determined by the Chief, which periodof time shall not exceed fifteen minutes. In determining the reasonable timeperiod, the Chief shall consider, among other things, the size and number offans, and the methane liberation rate of the mine.
3. If ventilation is restored within the time period established in the plan,the face areas and other areas where methane is likely to accumulate shall beexamined by a certified person, and if the areas are found to be free ofexplosive or harmful gases, power may be restored and work resumed.
4. If ventilation is not restored within the time period established in theplan and the miners are evacuated from the mine, the main fan shall beoperated for a period of time specified in the plan, which shall not be lessthan fifteen minutes. Thereafter the mine shall be examined by a certifiedperson before miners shall be permitted underground or energizing powercircuits.
(Code 1950, § 45-60.1; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-54; 1978, c. 120;1988, c. 597; 1993, c. 442; 1994, c. 28.)