§ 45.1-161.233:1. Intentionally bypassing safety devices; prohibition.
No person shall intentionally bypass, bridge, or otherwise impair anelectrical or hydraulic circuit that affects the safe operation of electricalor mechanical equipment. This shall not prohibit (i) a certified electricalrepairmen from by-passing energized circuits for troubleshooting; (ii) anauthorized person from performing repairs or maintenance on equipment oncethe power is off and the equipment is blocked against motion except wheremotion is necessary to make adjustment or to move the equipment to a safelocation; (iii) an authorized person from bypassing a hydraulic circuit forthe purpose of troubleshooting or moving equipment to a safe location inorder to make necessary repairs or be taken out of service; or (iv) anauthorized person from activating an override feature that is designed by themachine manufacturer to allow the machine to be moved to a safe location inorder to make necessary repairs or be taken out of service.
(2005, c. 3.)