§ 45.1-161.234. Control of coal dust.
A. Coal dust shall not be permitted to accumulate excessively in any part ofthe active areas, including active workings soon to be worked-out.
B. Where mining operations create or raise an excessive amount of coal dustinto the air, water or water with an added wetting agent, or other effectivemethod of controlling dust approved by the Chief, or his authorizedrepresentative, shall be applied to coal dust on the ribs, roof, and floor toreduce dispersibility and to minimize the hazard of explosion, within fortyfeet from all active workings or such other areas as the Chief or hisauthorized representative shall require.
(Code 1950, § 45-77.1; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-66; 1994, c. 28;1996, c. 774.)