§ 45.1-161.238. Flammable or combustible materials.
A. Oil, grease, and similar flammable materials shall be kept in closedcontainers, separate from other materials so as not to create a fire hazardto nearby buildings or mines. If oil or grease is stored in a building, thebuilding or room in which it is stored shall be of fireproof construction andwell ventilated.
B. Oily rags, oily waste and wastepaper shall be kept in closed metalcontainers until removed for disposal.
C. The area within 100 feet of all mine openings shall be kept free ofcombustible material; however, this shall not apply to the temporary storageof not more than a one day's supply of such materials.
D. All oxygen and acetylene bottles shall be stored in racks designated andconstructed for the storage of such bottles with caps in place and securedwhen not in use. Any storage place for such materials shall be posted toprohibit smoking.
(Code 1950, § 45-85.9; 1954, c. 191; 1966, c. 594, § 45.1-39; 1978, c. 729;1994, c. 28.)