§ 45.1-361.13. Virginia Gas and Oil Board; membership; compensation.
A. The Virginia Gas and Oil Board is hereby established. The Board shall becomposed of seven members and shall have the powers and duties as specifiedunder this chapter.
B. The Governor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the GeneralAssembly, the chairman and six additional members of the Board as follows:two for an initial term of two years, two for an initial term of four years,and three for an initial term of six years. Thereafter, the members shall beappointed for terms of six years. At all times, the Board shall consist ofthe following qualified members: the Director or his designee; one but notmore than one individual who is a representative of the gas and oil industry;one but not more than one individual who is a representative of the coalindustry; and four other individuals who are not representatives of the gas,oil or coal industry. All vacancies occurring on the Board shall be filled bythe Governor, subject to confirmation by the General Assembly, for theunexpired term within sixty days of the occurrence of the vacancy. As theterms of office, respectively, of the members expire, the Governor shallappoint, subject to confirmation by the General Assembly, to fill thevacancies so occasioned, qualified persons whose terms shall be for six yearsfrom the day on which that of their immediate predecessor expired. TheGovernor shall seek to appoint persons who reside in localities withsignificant oil or gas production or storage.
C. Each member of the Board shall receive compensation and expenses inaccordance with the provisions of § 2.2-2813.
(1982, c. 347, § 45.1-295; 1985, c. 448; 1987, c. 452; 1988, c. 483; 1989, c.529; 1990, c. 92; 1998, c. 159.)