§ 45.1-361.14. Meetings of the Board; notice; general powers and duties.
A. The Board shall schedule a monthly meeting at a time and place designatedby the chairman. Should no petition for action be filed with the Board priorto such a meeting, the meeting may be cancelled. Notification orcancellation of each meeting shall be given in writing to the other membersby the chairman at least five days in advance of the meeting. Four membersshall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business which shallcome before the Board. All determinations of the Board shall be by majorityvote of the quorum present.
B. The Board shall have the power necessary to execute and carry out all ofits duties specified in this chapter. The Board is authorized to investigateand inspect such records and facilities as are necessary and proper toperform its duties under this chapter. The Board may employ such personneland consultants as may be necessary to perform its duties under this chapter.
(1982, c. 347, § 45.1-296; 1987, c. 452; 1990, c. 92.)