§ 45.1-361.17. Statewide spacing of wells.
A. Unless prior approval has been received from the Board or a provision ofthe field or pool rules so allows:
1. Wells drilled in search of oil shall not be located closer than 1,250 feetto any well completed in the same pool; however, this spacing requirement issubject to § 45.1-361.12;
2. Wells drilled in search of gas shall not be located closer than 2,500 feetto any other well completed in the same pool, or closer than 2,500 feet toany storage well within the boundary of a gas storage field certificated bythe State Corporation Commission prior to January 1, 1997, if the well to bedrilled is to be completed within the same horizon as the certificated gasstorage field; and
3. A well shall not be drilled closer to the boundary of the acreagesupporting the well, whether such acreage is a single leasehold or othertract or a contractual or statutory drilling unit, than one-half of theminimum well spacing distances prescribed in this section.
B. Unless prior approval has been received from the Board or a provision ofthe field or pool rules so allows:
1. Wells drilled in search of coalbed methane gas shall not be located closerthan 1,000 feet to any other coalbed methane gas well, or in the case ofcoalbed methane gas wells located in the gob, such wells shall not be locatedcloser than 500 feet to any other coalbed methane gas wells located in thegob.
2. A coalbed methane gas well shall not be drilled closer than 500 feet, orin the case of such well located in the gob, not closer than 250 feet, fromthe boundary of the acreage supporting the well, whether such acreage is asingle leasehold or other tract or a contractual or statutory drilling unit.
3. The spacing limitations set forth in this subsection are subject to theprovisions of §§ 45.1-361.11 and 45.1-361.12.
(1990, c. 92; 1996, c. 854; 1997, c. 759.)