§ 45.1-361.2. Regulation of coal surface mining not affected by chapter.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as limiting the powers of theDirector relating to coal surface mining operations and reclamation. Theprovisions of Chapters 17 (§ 45.1-198 et seq.) and 19 (§ 45.1-226 et seq.) ofthis title, including but not limited to requirements for permits and bonds,shall apply to gas, oil, or geophysical operations located on areas for whicha coal surface mining permit is in effect and shall be in addition to therequirements for gas, oil, or geophysical operations set forth in thischapter, except that well work and the operation of pipelines on areas whichhave been reclaimed by the surface mine operator or the Director shall betreated as postmining uses. The Director shall give special consideration tothe development and promulgation of variances from the postmining userequirements of Chapter 19 of this title for gas, oil, or geophysicaloperations; however, all such variances shall be consistent with theprovisions of the Virginia Coal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of1979 (§ 45.1-226 et seq.).
(1982, c. 347, § 45.1-289; 1984, c. 590; 1990, c. 92.)