§ 45.1-361.28. Powers, duties and responsibilities of the Inspector.
A. The Inspector shall administer the laws and regulations and shall haveaccess to all records and properties necessary for this purpose. He shallperform all duties delegated by the Director pursuant to § 45.1-161.5 andmaintain permanent records of the following:
1. Each application for a gas, oil, or geophysical operation and eachpermitted gas, oil, or geophysical operation;
2. Meetings, actions and orders of the Board;
3. Petitions for mining coal within 200 feet of or through a well;
4. Requests for special plugging by a coal owner or coal operator; and
5. All other records prepared pursuant to this chapter.
B. The Inspector shall serve as the principal executive of the staff of theBoard.
C. The Inspector may take charge of well or corehole, or pipeline emergencyoperations whenever a well or corehole blowout, release of hydrogen sulfideor other gases, or other serious accident occurs.
(1982, c. 347, § 45.1-293; 1987, c. 452; 1989, c. 164; 1990, c. 92.)