§ 45.1-361.39. Developing a gas or oil well as a water well.
Should any well drilled for gas or oil not produce commercial or payingquantities of either resource, the well may be developed as a water well uponthe request of the surface owner of the property on which the well islocated. Any development of such a water well shall occur only after noticeis given to the Director and his approval has been received. Such developmentof a water well shall be performed in accordance with applicable state andlocal requirements. Unless the gas or oil operator and surface ownerotherwise agree, the surface owner shall pay the gas or oil operator areasonable sum for all casing and tubing set and left in the well which wouldhave otherwise been removed upon plugging of the well.
(1982, c. 347, § 45.1-350; 1990, c. 92.)