§ 45.1-361.41. Interference by injection wells with ground water supply.
A. Any person who owns or operates an injection well in a manner thatproximately causes the contamination or diminution of ground water used for abeneficial use by any person who resides within the lesser of (i) the area ofreview required by the United States Environmental Protection Agency for thepermitting of that injection well, or (ii) a one-half mile radius of the wellshall provide the person with a replacement water supply. A replacementwater supply shall provide the person or persons with water of equivalentquality and quantity as was provided by ground water prior to thecontamination or diminution of the water supply resulting from the operationof the injection well. A replacement water supply shall include the provisionof necessary storage and service facilities. "Ground water" shall have thesame meaning ascribed to it in § 62.1-255. "Beneficial use" shall have thesame meaning ascribed to it in § 62.1-10.
B. This section shall apply to any injection well, whether operating under apermit from the Director of the Department of Mines, Minerals and Energyissued prior to, on or after July 1, 1992.
(1992, c. 324; 1993, c. 276.)