§ 45.1-361.6. Confidentiality.
The Director shall hold confidential all logs, surveys and reports relatingto the drilling, completion and testing of a well which are filed by gas oroil operators under this chapter for a period of ninety days after thecompletion of the well or eighteen months after the total depth of the wellhas been reached, whichever occurs first. Upon receipt of a gas, oil, orgeophysical operator's written request, the Director shall hold confidentialthis information concerning an exploratory well or corehole for a period oftwo years after completion of the well or four years from the date such wellor hole reaches total depth, whichever occurs first. The Director, for goodcause shown by the gas, oil, or geophysical operator, may annually extend theperiod of time for which information regarding exploratory drilling is heldconfidential. However, the Director shall upon request provide a copy of anysurvey or log for strata through the lowest coal seam to the coal owner.
(1990, c. 92.)