§ 46.2-1012. Headlights, auxiliary headlights, tail lights, brake lights, andillumination of license plates on motorcycles.
Every motorcycle shall be equipped with at least one headlight which shall beof a type that has been approved by the Superintendent and shall be capableof projecting sufficient light to the front of such motorcycle to renderdiscernible a person or object at a distance of 200 feet. However, the lightsshall not project a glaring or dazzling light to persons approaching suchmotorcycles. In addition, each motorcycle may be equipped with not more thantwo auxiliary headlights of a type approved by the Superintendent.
Motorcycles may be equipped with means of modulating the high beam of theirheadlights between high and low beam at a rate of 200 to 280 flashes perminute. Such headlights shall not be so modulated during periods whenheadlights would ordinarily be required to be lighted under § 46.2-1030.
Every motorcycle registered in the Commonwealth and operated on the highwaysof the Commonwealth shall be equipped with at least one brake light of a typeapproved by the Superintendent. Motorcycles may be equipped with one or moreauxiliary brake lights of a type approved by the Superintendent. TheSuperintendent may by regulation prescribe or limit the size, number,location, and configuration of such auxiliary brake lights.
Every motorcycle shall carry at the rear at least one or more red lightsplainly visible in clear weather from a distance of 500 feet to the rear ofsuch vehicle. Such tail lights shall be constructed and so mounted in theirrelation to the rear license plate as to illuminate the license plate with awhite light so that the same may be read from a distance of 50 feet to therear of such vehicle. Alternatively, a separate white light shall be somounted as to illuminate the rear license plate from a distance of 50 feet tothe rear of such vehicle. Any such tail lights or special white light shallbe of a type approved by the Superintendent.
Motorcycles may be equipped with a means of varying the brightness of thevehicle's brake light for a duration of not more than five seconds uponapplication of the vehicle's brakes.
(Code 1950, § 46-266; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-261; 1983, c. 132; 1989, c. 727;1991, c. 165; 2003, c. 964; 2009, c. 79.)