§ 46.2-1017. Dimension or marker lights and reflectors, generally.
All motor vehicles, trailers, or semitrailers exceeding seven feet in widthor the widest portion of which extends four inches beyond the front fenderextremes shall be equipped with amber lights mounted at the extreme right andleft front top corners of such vehicle. Each such light shall be visible inclear weather for a distance of at least 500 feet to the front of suchvehicle. Such vehicles shall also be equipped with red lights mounted at theextreme right and left rear top corners of such vehicle. Each such lightshall be visible in clear weather for at least 500 feet to the rear of suchvehicle. Any tractor truck, however, need not be equipped with rear reddimension or marker lights. If the front or the rear of such vehicle is notthe widest portion of the vehicle, the dimension or marker lights required inthis section shall be mounted on the widest portions of the vehicle with theamber lights herein required visible from the front as herein required andthe red lights herein required visible from the rear as herein required. Thelights herein required shall be of a type approved by the Superintendent.
In addition to the lights required in this section, each such vehicle shallbe equipped with amber reflectors located on each side thereof, at or nearthe front. Red reflectors shall be used on the rear of each such vehicle.Such reflectors shall be securely fastened to the vehicle not less thanfifteen inches and not more than sixty inches from the ground. For a vehiclethat is less than fifteen inches tall, however, such reflectors shall besecurely fastened thereto at the highest point the structure of a vehiclewill permit. The reflectors shall be of a type approved by the Superintendent.
If any vehicle is so constructed as to make compliance with the requirementsof this section impractical, the lights and reflectors shall be placed on thevehicle in accordance with the Superintendent's regulations.
If any vehicle required by this section to be equipped with dimension ormarker lights has installed on its rear, as close as practicable to the topof the vehicle and as close as practicable to the vertical centerline of thevehicle, three red identification lights of a type approved by theSuperintendent, with the light centers spaced not less than six inches ormore than twelve inches apart, the rear dimension or marker lights may bemounted at any height but must indicate as nearly as practicable the extremewidth of the vehicle.
(Code 1950, § 46-271; 1952, c. 652; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-265; 1960, c. 156;1974, c. 218; 1977, c. 383; 1989, c. 727; 1997, c. 23.)