§ 46.2-1020. Other permissible lights.
Any motor vehicle may be equipped with fog lights, not more than two of whichcan be illuminated at any time, one or two auxiliary driving lights if soequipped by the manufacturer, two daytime running lights, two side lights ofnot more than six candlepower, an interior light or lights of not more than15 candlepower each, and signal lights.
The provision of this section limiting interior lights to no more than 15candlepower shall not apply to (i) alternating, blinking, or flashing coloredemergency lights mounted inside law-enforcement motor vehicles which mayotherwise legally be equipped with such colored emergency lights, or (ii)flashing shielded red or red and white lights, authorized under § 46.2-1024,mounted inside vehicles owned or used by (a) members of volunteer firecompanies or volunteer rescue squads, (b) professional fire fighters, or (c)police chaplains. A vehicle equipped with lighting devices as authorized inthis section shall be operated by a police chaplain only if he hassuccessfully completed a course of training in the safe operation of a motorvehicle under emergency conditions and a certificate attesting to suchsuccessful completion, signed by the course instructor, is carried at alltimes in the vehicle when operated by the police chaplain to whom thecertificate applies.
Unless such lighting device is both covered and unlit, no motor vehicle whichis equipped with any lighting device other than lights required or permittedin this article, required or approved by the Superintendent, or required bythe federal Department of Transportation shall be operated on any highway inthe Commonwealth. Nothing in this section shall permit any vehicle, nototherwise authorized, to be equipped with colored emergency lights, whetherblinking or steady-burning.
(Code 1950, § 46-273; 1954, c. 310; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-267; 1960, cc. 156,391; 1962, c. 512; 1966, cc. 655, 664; 1968, c. 89; 1972, c. 7; 1974, c. 537;1976, c. 6; 1977, c. 72; 1978, cc. 311, 357; 1980, c. 337; 1981, c. 338;1984, cc. 440, 539; 1985, cc. 248, 269, 287, 462; 1986, cc. 124, 127, 229;1987, cc. 347, 370; 1988, cc. 339, 351; 1989, c. 727; 1991, c. 516; 1995, c.122; 2003, c. 153; 2006, c. 122.)