§ 46.2-1026. Flashing high-intensity amber warning lights.
High-intensity flashing, blinking, or alternating amber warning lightsvisible for at least 500 feet, of types approved by the Superintendent, shallbe used on any vehicle engaged in either escorting or towing over-dimensionalmaterials, equipment, boats, or manufactured housing units by authority of ahighway hauling permit issued pursuant to § 46.2-1139. Such lights shall bemounted on the top of the escort and tow vehicles and on the upper rear endof the over-dimensional vehicles or loads for maximum visibility, front andrear. However, any vehicles operating under a permit issued pursuant to §46.2-1139 shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of thissection if accompanied by escort vehicles.
The provisions of this section shall apply only to vehicles or loads whichare either (i) more than twelve feet wide or (ii) more than seventy-five feetlong.
(Code 1950, § 46-273; 1954, c. 310; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-267; 1960, cc. 156,391; 1962, c. 512; 1966, cc. 655, 664; 1968, c. 89; 1972, c. 7; 1974, c. 537;1976, c. 6; 1977, c. 72; 1978, cc. 311, 357; 1980, c. 337; 1981, c. 338;1984, cc. 440, 539; 1985, cc. 248, 269, 287, 462; 1986, cc. 124, 127, 229;1987, cc. 347, 370; 1988, cc. 339, 351; 1989, c. 727.)