§ 46.2-1029. Auxiliary lights on law-enforcement vehicles.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, any government-ownedlaw-enforcement vehicle may be equipped with clear auxiliary lights of a typeapproved by the Superintendent. Such lights may be used to light emergencyscenes and other areas for the purpose of detecting offenders, apprehendingviolators of law, and in performing other reasonably necessarylaw-enforcement functions. Such lights may be used when the vehicle on whichthey are mounted is standing or proceeding at a speed of no more than fifteenmiles per hour. Such lights shall not be used in a manner which may blind orinterfere with the vision of the operators of approaching vehicles.
Any law-enforcement officer may also use spotlights, as authorized in §46.2-1019, for the purpose and in the manner described herein.
(1975, c. 291, § 46.1-267.2; 1980, c. 14; 1989, c. 727.)