§ 46.2-1039. Requirements of turn signals; regulations.
Every turn signal used to give a signal of intention to turn a vehicle shallbe so constructed and so installed as to give a signal plainly visible inclear weather and under normal traffic conditions from a distance of at least100 feet to the rear and 100 feet to the front of the vehicle. No front turnsignal, however, shall be required on vehicles manufactured before January 1,1943.
The Superintendent may promulgate regulations not inconsistent with thissection and § 46.2-1038 governing the construction, location, and operationof turn signals and the color of lights which may be used in any such signaldevice. Nothing contained herein, however, shall prohibit the requiring ofturn signals on any vehicle whose driver is prevented by any reason fromgiving the hand and arm signal required in § 46.2-849.
(Code 1950, § 46-303; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-299; 1962, c. 89; 1968, c. 99;1972, c. 445; 1974, c. 347; 1979, c. 44; 1989, c. 727.)