§ 46.2-1051. Certain local governments may impose restrictions on operationsof certain vehicles.
The governing body of any county, city, or town which is located within theNorthern Virginia Planning District may provide by ordinance that no personshall operate and no owner shall permit the operation of, either on a highwayor on public or private property within 500 feet of any residential district,any motorcycle, moped, all-terrain vehicle as defined in § 46.2-100, notbeing used for agriculture or silviculture production as defined in §3.2-300, electric power-assisted bicycle, motorcycle-like device commonlyknown as a trail-bike or mini-bike, off-road motorcycle, or motorized cartcommonly known as a go-cart unless it is equipped with an exhaust system of atype installed as standard equipment, or comparable to that designed for useon that particular vehicle or device as standard factory equipment, in goodworking order and in constant operation to prevent excessive noise.
(1983, c. 211, § 46.1-302.4; 1989, c. 727; 2004, cc. 947, 973; 2006, cc. 830,896.)