§ 46.2-1072. Operation of vehicle without serial or identification number;requirements for stamping, cutting, or embossing numbers; regulations.
It shall be unlawful to sell or to drive on any highway in the Commonwealthany motor vehicle which does not have stamped on or cut into its motor itsmotor number or which does not bear a permanent serial or otheridentification number assigned by the manufacturer or by the Commissioner, orany trailer or semitrailer which does not bear a permanent serial or otheridentification number assigned by its manufacturer or the Commissioner. Thenumber shall be stamped, cut, embossed, or attached in such a manner that itcannot be changed, altered, or removed without plainly showing evidence whichwould be readily detectable or which would destroy the attached plate. Thenumber shall be die stamped, cut, or embossed into or attached to a permanentpart of the vehicle which is easily accessible for verification. However,nonresident owners who are permitted to operate motor vehicles, trailers, orsemitrailers without registration, under the registration provision relatingto nonresidents contained in §§ 46.2-655 through 46.2-661 shall not berequired to comply with this section before operating a motor vehicle,trailer, or semitrailer on the highways in the Commonwealth.
The Commissioner may adopt regulations to carry out the provisions of thissection.
(Code 1950, § 46-11; 1952, c. 545; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-84; 1978, c. 294;1989, c. 727; 1997, c. 96.)