§ 46.2-1093. Requirements for safety lap belts, shoulder harnesses andcombinations thereof.
Any safety lap belt or shoulder harness or any combination of lap belt andshoulder harness installed in a vehicle shall be designed and installed insuch manner as to prevent or materially reduce movement of any person usingthe same in the event of collision or upset of the vehicle.
The Superintendent shall establish specifications or requirements forapproved type safety lap belts and shoulder harnesses or any combination oflap belt and shoulder harness, attachments, and installation, in accordancewith the provisions of this section. Such specifications or requirements maybe the same as those specifications or requirements for safety lap belts orshoulder harnesses or any combination of lap belt and shoulder harnessestablished by the Civil Aeronautics Administration Technical Standard Ordersor regulations established by the Society of Automotive Engineers or thestandards of the federal Department of Transportation, for safety lap beltsand shoulder harnesses or combination of lap belts and shoulder harnesses.
No person shall sell or offer for sale any safety lap belt, shoulder harness,or any combination of lap belt and shoulder harness or attachments theretofor use in a vehicle, unless of a type which has been approved by theSuperintendent.
(Code 1950, § 46-312.1; 1956, c. 36; 1958, c. 541, § 46.1-310; 1966, c. 37;1968, c. 171; 1970, c. 20; 1989, c. 727.)